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Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens. John Travlos
ISBN: 087817267X,9780878172672 | 606 pages | 16 Mb

Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens John Travlos
Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient. Signed articles on sites, artifacts, topics, and archaeologists. New York and Washington: Praeger Publishers, 1971. (You will probably NOT find this book at your local bookstore, since it has long been out of print. Travlos, Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens. *FREE* super saver shipping on qualifying offers. €Gymnasium of Ptolemy,” 233-41. Courtesans & fishcakes : the consuming passions of classical Athens / By: Davidson, James N. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens Icon. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens [prepared with the Collaboration of the German Archeological Institute]. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens, New York and London. The Ancient Arts of Western and Central Asia. NMA 15244, Part of a female face, votive offering by Praxias in the sanctuary of Asclepios. Welch, “The stadium at Aphrodisias in Caria," AIA (102) 1998. Pictorial Dictionary of Ancient Athens [John Travlos] on Amazon.com. The Acropolis of Athens (Greek: Ακρόπολη Αθηνών) is an ancient citadel .. Travlos, Pictorial dictionary of ancient Athens (New York 1971). L'Année Dictionary of Pictorial Subjects From Classical Literature.