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Applications of Lie groups to differential equations. Peter J. Olver
ISBN: 0387962506,9780387962504 | 640 pages | 16 Mb

Applications of Lie groups to differential equations Peter J. Olver
Publisher: Springer-Verlag
Algebra/Computational Commutative Algebra - Kreuzer and Robbiano.pdf. Erlangen Program and Discrete Differential Geometry ABSTRACT : It is remarkable that the revolutionary ideas of Klein and Lie in geometry and differential equations have had so little influence in the teaching of mathematics at the university level up to the present time. Previously, only discharge of static electricity had been available, so his device opened a new door to new uses of electricity. 1899 (Marius) Sophus Lie (17 Dec 1842; 18 Feb 1899) was a Norwegian mathematician who made significant contributions to the theories of algebraic invariants, continuous groups of transformations and differential equations. Lie groups and Lie algebras are named after him. Shortly thereafter, William Nicholson decomposed water by . Algebra/Determinants and Their Applications in Mathematical Physics - R. The third part is more advanced and introduces into matrix Lie groups and Lie algebras the representation theory of groups, symplectic and Poisson geometry, and applications of complex analysis in surface theory. In particular, Chapter 5 contains short introductions to hyperbolic geometry and geometrical principles of special relativity theory. Analysis/Harmonic Analysis And Partial Differential Equations - B. Algebra/Differential Galois Theory - M. Here, only a basic knowledge of algebra, calculus and ordinary differential equations is required. Algebra/Computer Algebra and Differential Equations - E. ABSTRACT : In this lecture , I plan to make a historical review of the infinite-dimensional Lie groups , more properly called now "pseudo-groups" after Ehresmann . Analysis/Harmonic Analysis on Semisimple Lie Groups - V.
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